Hikvision iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS - LPR Issue
CompletedServer: on Ubuntu 18.04 arm64
Camera: Hikvision iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS firmware V5.5.121 build 200427
In camera rules I can correctly select LPR (and LPR white/black/unknown) however no event is reported in NX Witness.
The camera is creating events correctly that can be seen in ONVIF Device Manager:
topic: tsn1:RuleEngine/VehicleDetector/tsnhik:VehicleDetector
operation: Changed
Source: VideoSourceConfigurationToken: VideoSourceToken
VideoAnalyticsConfigurationToken: VideoAnalyticsToken
Rule: MyVehicleDetector
Data: PlateNumber: xxxxxx
Likelihood: 970
VehicleLaneNumber: 1
VehicleDirection: forward
In the NX server log a warning is reported:
2020-12-30 14:06:13.727 7738 WARNING nx::vms_server_plugins::analytics::hikvision::AttributesParser: Unknown analytics event name ANPR
Camera is supposed to be supported, however the issue may occur due to a more recent camera firmware (5.5 instead of 5.4). I am happy to assist with further info to get this working.
The Hikvision analytic event is integrated with Nx by ISAPI instead of ONVIF. Please refer to the details in this article and the note below.
Known Hikvision LPR detection notes:
When LPR detection is active, the Nx Server application periodically sends requests to the camera to download new XML files containing the events that recently occurred.
The Hikvision DS-2CD4A26FWD-(IZHS)(LZS)/P and Hikvision DS-2CD7A26G0/P-(LZ(H)S)(IZ(H)S) are currently the only supported models that support LPR based on the ISAPI with firmware v5.4.5 170519.
In general, when the LPR detection mode is enabled inside the camera, other analytic events are unavailable.
If you agree to share the port forwarding info of this camera, I'll help to create the ticket for you and do further checking on my side.
Thank you.
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