NX Cloud - Auto Logout




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    Sergey Bystrov


    Feedback taken. An internal ticket is created. 
    Delivery time - TBD. Will update it here. 

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    Sergey Bystrov

    update from dev team: will be fixed in about a month.
    it will be fixed on the cloud side: no updates are required on the user's side.

    Again, thanks for the feedback.

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    Matthew Scott

    Awesome, thanks Sergey!

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    Calvin Wientjes

    Very happy to hear this is coming soon. I am experiencing the same as Matthew Scott. Customers don’t always realize what has happened either. It turns into many unneeded phone calls.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Dear Matthew Scott and Calvin Wientjes,

    I regret to inform you that we are unable to implement persistent login sessions within the given timeframe. However, we have come up with an interim solution to extend the expiration period from 30 days for the desktop client and 180 days for the mobile client, to 1 year for all cloud-based login sessions.

    Our team is committed to implementing persistent login sessions within the year, with the goal of requiring only one login after the expiration of the current session and the start of the one-year period. Although there is a slight possibility that one more login may be required after the one-year period, we are striving to prevent that from happening.

    Thank you for your understanding, and please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions or concerns.

    Best regards.

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    Calvin Wientjes

    Is this solution already in effect? I will inform my clients if so. Nothing they need to do?

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    Matthew Scott

    Thanks Norman, please advise when this is in effect.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Dear Matthew Scott and Calvin Wientjes,

    I am pleased to inform you that the desired function has already been successfully implemented in the Nx Cloud and its OEMs.

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    Matthew Scott

    Thanks Norman.

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    Kris Hogh

    has this overwritten the auto logout option now? becuase that doesn't seem to log out cloud accounts after X mins if it's setup. I understand if this option is not used then longer persitent logins will be the default but if it's checked then that time should apply and log them out. Doesn't seem to work on the latest build of

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Kris Hogh,

    This comment clarifies your previous comment in the other topic. The auto logout feature never applied to cloud users. The issue described here was different.

    In this case, the cloud users were logged out every 30 days due to a voided token. Currently, this mechanism has been fine-tuned to enable persistent logins.

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    Calvin Wientjes

    Did something change recently with the persistent cloud login feature? Our client with a video wall from 4 cloud systems now keeps getting session expired notifications and all the cameras go off, resulting in them calling us and saying all the cameras are down.   This is all cloud login. No local accounts. Wisenet Wave -

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    Calvin Wientjes

    Norman - Nx Support


    My customers client application has logged them out of Wisenet Wave Sync again. It's only been 10 or so days.  Is there a new issue with cloud systems automatically logging users off or do I need to try troubleshooting in my own system? If its my own system what would be the cause for constant logging out of the cloud user?

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    Sergey Bystrov


    Is it happening now?

    Based on the cloud team, they did a cloud update Sep 29 which could lead to a one-time time log out. 

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    Calvin Wientjes

    That was one of the times (Sept. 29). A few other times was around September 16-19. The customer wasn't sure when it happened.  It's very possible its something on our end. What could cause the cloud session expired error? I will investigate on my end but not sure where to start. 

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    Calvin Wientjes

    My client had another logout after being out of town. I received a picture this morning of both my instances of wave (we do split screen separate instances of two separate sites). I’m not getting complaints from all customers nor did my system get logged out so I’m thinking it could be an issue on this specific system. What would be causing issues like this?

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    Paul Pittaway

    I have a similar problem and have had a couple of clients wanting to know if there is a solution

    A couple of things though

    When an NX Witness client is logged in and the logout time is say, set for 30 minutes. How do I logout from this user before the 30 minutes is up. At present I have to go into the setting and set the logout time to a few minutes so I can login with another user. Is there a way around this?

    Secondly, just been on the phone to a client who want to know if theres a way to log a user out after an inactivity time. They want a short logout time but get frustrated when it logouts out without giving a warning (I know they could see the side bar, but it would be nice to have a window popup on the screen asking if they want to extend.




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