Create Bookmark from the API - badRequest
CompletedI am using the API doumentation tool to learn how to operate the API
I can get the list of bookmarks no problems
When I try to create a book mark for a CameraID I just get badRequest
It's the same from the Web page or if I use the curl command
Any clues on where I should start looking?
Cheers. Simon
Hmmm, OK, I was not putting values in for startTimeMs and durationMs - it works when I put those in but...
I am trying to get a Line Crossing rule in an Axis camera to create a Bookmark - the Axis camera rule can call the URL but I don't think it can insert insert startTimeMs
Hmmm, not sure how to do this.
PS - Wouldn't it be good for the API to assume that a blank in startTimeMs means NOW ? -
Hi Simon Faulkner,
Thank you for reporting this. I'll forward the information with our developers to improve the API documentation.
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