Export all Licence plates with API, each day ?




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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Loïc TONON,

    I'm confident this can be done, since you can filter the output of the API call:


    If you check the API documentation, you'll find an option to filter:

    And you can filter on either the description or name and in your code you remove the appendix starting from :. Like : Other list.

    If you use Python, there are options to filter as well, as described HERE.

    Then you have the filtered data, which you can use to email this according to a desired schedule.

    Ps. I'll move this thread to our For Developers section, so in case you have additional questions, feel free to ask it there.

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    Loïc TONON

    Thanks for your answer Norman
    And, sorry for the late reply!

    I've been working on it and it's almost done
    Here is the result:

    Now, I just have to convert the timestamp column to DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS

    Best regards

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Loïc TONON,

    The timestamp is an epoch timestamp, which you can convert to your timezone in the chosen formatting.

    Some examples can be found HERE.


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    Loïc TONON

    Hi Norman

    I've got it

    Timestamp is called "epoch timestamp" ou "timestamp ms".

    Good, I allready have a fonction to convert it

    Thanks for your help !

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