What Is The Nx Meta Platform?
The Nx Meta platform exists to allow developers to create and sell their own products that are integrated with Nx Witness, whether it’s an integration with the Nx ecosystem or your own re-branded VMS solution based on the Nx platform. If you’re not familiar with Network Optix or its products, please visit https://networkoptix.com first.
What Can Developers Do On Our platform?
- Build Custom Solutions - Nx Meta is a lightweight and powerful platform that is also flexible and extensible. It is designed to allow you to customize and use it for your specific projects.
- Develop Reusable Integrations - Create an integration with Nx Meta that is reusable and scalable to reach a large audience and accommodate a variety of project requirements. When you have your integration made, please follow the Submit to the Integrations Marketplace article for a step-by-step guide on getting your integration on the Integrations Marketplace.
- Create New Products - The Nx Meta platform makes it quick and easy to create your own re-branded product from a fast and stable solution like Nx Witness.
Join the Developer program to begin the development process!
What Can Developers Learn by Accessing the Knowledgebase?
On the Nx Meta Developer Knowledgebase, you will find articles on the following topics:
- What tools are available to aid you in the development process
- Which technologies are supported by the Nx Witness platform
- How to integrate video analytics and metadata into your solution
- Examples of how you can take advantage of the Server API
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