The Nx Witness Server and Desktop are supported on 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS releases, other derivatives of Ubuntu aren't officially supported but may work (e.g., Elementary OS, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, etc). Make sure you are using a supported version of Ubuntu before you begin the installation process. The download and installation processes are the same for both Desktop and Server and can be completed in any order.
Only the default "Unity" desktop environment for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and the default "Gnome" desktop environment for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS are officially supported. Other graphics environments such as KDE, LXDE, and customer tweaks may cause the Desktop client not to work.
To find out if your Ubuntu Linux operating system is 32-bit or 64 bit:
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:
- Navigate to System Settings.
- Under the System section, click Details.
- Select the Overview tab to display your Ubuntu version, memory and processor information, and whether the OS type is 64-bit or 32-bit.
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
- Click on Activities to search for Settings
- In Settings click on Details.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
- Click on Activities to search for Settings
- In Settings click on About.
Step 1: Download the Nx Witness Desktop Client and Server installation packages from Nx Cloud.
If given the option, choose to save or download the file, do not open it. Make a note of where the files are saved on your computer.
Step 2: Install Gdebi to help resolve any dependencies
Next, update and install the gdebi tool, which lets you install local deb packages while resolving and installing related dependencies. Note that you will be required to enter your SUDO / root password to install this tool. Contact your IT system administrator if you do not know the necessary password.
- Open the Ubuntu Terminal Window (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T)
- Type:
sudo apt-get update
- When prompted, enter the root password for your machine.
- When the update is done, type:
sudo apt-get install gdebi
Step 3: Install Nx Witness Desktop and Server
Locate the installation files you previously downloaded. The following process applies to both the Server and Desktop Client installation. Once you complete the installation of one, repeat the process for the other. It does not matter whether the Desktop Client or the Server is installed first.
- Open Files and click on the desired Nx Witness installation package (Desktop or Server) to highlight it.
- Right-click and choose "Open with" in the drop-down menu, then run "Gdebi Package Installer". In version 18, right-click on the "Open with Other Application" option, select "Gdebi Package Installer" then click Select.
- Click "Install Package" in the Package Installer window that opens. Enter password authentication when prompted.
- You will see a progress bar in the gdebi-gtk window. As soon as prompted, accept the EULA agreement in order to proceed.
- Repeat these steps for the remaining Nx Witness component.
Step 4: Configure the Server
Now that you have installed the software you need to either create a New System or add a Server to Existing System.
How do I uninstall Nx Witness on Ubuntu Linux OS?
- Open the Ubuntu Terminal Window (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T)
- Type:
sudo apt-get remove networkoptix-client
- When prompted, enter the SUDO / root password
- When removal is complete you will be returned to the command prompt
- Type:
sudo apt-get remove networkoptix-mediaserver
- When prompted, select either "Remove the Database" or "Keep current version" as desired.
You can use the sudo apt autoremove command to remove packages that were automatically installed and are no longer required.
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