Action: Show on Alarm Layout




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    Fredrik Ahlsen

    I got a system with multiple client computers, is it possible to control witch of these will show the alarm layout? I do not want it to pop up on all 5 clients.

    I also wonder if its possible to put the alarm layout on the video wall.

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    Fredrik Ahlsen

    I got another request:

    Make it possible to show web page, local file or just a text note on alarm layout together with cameras.

    So that when a camera pops up, a instruction with information about how to handle the alarm can show up together with the live video.

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Fredrik,

    Better late than never? ;-) 

    >>I got a system with multiple client computers, is it possible to control witch of these will show the alarm layout? I do not want it to pop up on all 5 clients.

    This is possible since you can assign the action to specific users and in that case the alarm layout only opens on the client where that specific user is logged into. 

    >>I also wonder if its possible to put the alarm layout on the video wall.

    Currently, it is not possible to put the alarm layout on the Video Wall. But it is something that is under discussion in our product team and might make it's way into a future release. 

    >>Make it possible to show web page, local file or just a text note on alarm layout together with cameras.

    So that when a camera pops up, an instruction with information about how to handle the alarm can show up together with the live video.

    This is possible with the action Open Layout, but be aware that in case of local files, the local file need to be available on the local client computer that hosts the Nx Desktop client. For text notes, you can use the Show Text Overlay action in the rule engine. 

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