Where can I find the Nx Witness SDK?
The Developer Tools for Nx Witness can be accessed directly from Nx Witness Server in Web Admin. Below are the SDK's and what they do.
Metadata SDK
The Metadata SDK enables the integration of 3rd party video analytics systems and devices such as people and object recognition by supporting the exchange of metadata and events. Metadata SDK enables developers to create applications/plugins that take advantage of custom rules and events to fulfill a video analytics function. For a step-to-step guide on integrating a video analytics plugin, please refer to the link below.
Read more: Integrating Video Analytics
Video Source SDK
The Video Source Integration SDK enables easy integration of any video source (live or archived) into the system. With the SDK, it's possible to create a method for discovering, displaying, analyzing, and recording video from virtually any live or recorded video source - IP Cameras, encoders, NVR's, DVR's, and more. It also allows for the integration of device I/O's (inputs & outputs) and motion detection metadata.
Storage SDK
The Storage SDK enables easy integration of any potential storage. Using the Storage SDK developers can read from or write to any storage location - locally available, remote storage, and even cloud servers. Creating a storage plugin requires implementing standard functions such as I/O stream, if files exist, delete files, list of files in the folder, etc. The Storage SDK also contains an example of using an FTP server as a storage location.
Don't understand what these commands meant and how to use them. Can advise or give example? There are (?) in the command, what does it meant? How to perform Pan - Tilt - Zoom?
ContinuousMovePtzCommand (?)
ContinuousFocusPtzCommand (?)
AbsoluteDeviceMovePtzCommand (?)
AbsoluteLogicalMovePtzCommand (?)
GetDevicePositionPtzCommand (?)
GetLogicalPositionPtzCommand (?)
CreatePresetPtzCommand (?)
UpdatePresetPtzCommand (?)
RemovePresetPtzCommand (?)
ActivatePresetPtzCommand (?)
GetPresetsPtzCommand (?)
GetPresetsPtzCommand (?)
Hi Lee,
If you hover over the (?) you will see what the command mean and which values can be used.
Maybe it is more obvious when you use our NEW API testing tool via the following LINK.
The credentials remain the same:
username: demo@networkoptix.com
password: NxDemoUser
If more questions arise, feel free to submit them in the 'For Developers' section in our community.
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