Nx Witness Server Plugin SDK (C++)




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    Lee Cl

    Don't understand what these commands meant and how to use them. Can advise or give example? There are (?) in the command, what does it meant? How to perform Pan - Tilt - Zoom?

    ContinuousMovePtzCommand (?)
    ContinuousFocusPtzCommand (?)
    AbsoluteDeviceMovePtzCommand (?)
    AbsoluteLogicalMovePtzCommand (?)
    GetDevicePositionPtzCommand (?)
    GetLogicalPositionPtzCommand (?)
    CreatePresetPtzCommand (?)
    UpdatePresetPtzCommand (?)
    RemovePresetPtzCommand (?)
    ActivatePresetPtzCommand (?)
    GetPresetsPtzCommand (?)
    GetPresetsPtzCommand (?)

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Lee, 

    If you hover over the (?) you will see what the command mean and which values can be used. 

    Maybe it is more obvious when you use our NEW API testing tool via the following LINK

    The credentials remain the same:

    username: demo@networkoptix.com
    password: NxDemoUser

    If more questions arise, feel free to submit them in the 'For Developers' section in our community.

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