How to use Generic Events with the Show desktop notification action




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    Fredrik Ahlsen

    Are you going to make the "Force Acknowledge" notification stick even if the NX Client is closed?

    Right now I got issues with this feature in the following scenarios:

    1. NX Client is not open at the time of the event. But the operator open NX Client after they get for example an email warning. In this case, the notification do not appair in NX and it looks like there is no bookmar. The bookmark seams to be created after someone click the "Acknowledge" button.

    2. The NX Client is open at the time of the event, but the user close the client before he "Acknowledge" the alarms. Next time the client is opened, all events will be gone, and there are no bookmarks.  

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    Norman - Nx Support

    Hi Fredrik,

    My apologies for the huge delay in our response. Unfortunately, such features are not being worked on at the moment. We understand your request to have this feature improved in this way, so we will take your feedback into account for future feature discussions.

    Please feel free to send us any other comments or questions through the New Features Ideas section of our community or via your Network Optix sales contact 

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